Remote access switchgear control makes safety the top priority. It isolates switchgear operator personnel from the live switchgear’s components. Our switchgear SCADA system also allows for operation control from a remote location or an isolated master control station. By eliminating the need for an operator to be anywhere near live or potentially live equipment, operators can have the peace of mind that they are utilizing the safest means of operating circuit breakers possible.
APTView is APT’s own Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. It utilizes Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems to monitor and control both APT and 3rd party equipment via personal computers or your favorite web or network-connected mobile device. Emails can be sent to notify the user of any occurring alarm or event. All system alarms and events are logged and date/time stamped. Equipment operating parameters are periodically stored for future record/retrieval.
APTView has customer specified security features to limit access only to the people who need access for maximum security.